We present the awesome cosplayer, artist and model, Allegra, better known to us as The Chainmail Chick. Allegra started her cosplay journey working with award winning fantasy artist Alan Welch and soon fell in love with the whole convention and cosplay scene. Now Allegra does live art, print and promotional modelling, cosplay and costuming, body paint, fashion shoots, convention panels and digital art. Her famous trademark chainmail bikini and self made costumes have expanded to include all manner of blade, body armour, headdresses, jewellery and even horns! Below are some shots from her excellent portfolio including Star Wars cosplays, Darth Talon and Twi’lek Dancer, Dejah Thoris (John Carter) and of course the chainmail bikini. You may be lucky enough to catch Allegra at a convention looking like she walked straight out of a fantasy painting, alternatively there’s always – Facebook, DA and her excellent Blog.