Excision Movie Review

Excision Horror Drama Comedy Review

Excision is a strange, dark and twisted tale of an ‘outsider’ teenager played by AnnaLynne McCord who is obsessed with blood, sex, becoming a surgeon and death. Richard Bates Jr has directed a brave movie that mixes teen drama with black comedy, horrific almost beautiful dream sequences and buckets and buckets of blood. We loved the gross out fantasy sequences and the film’s ending is truly shocking (but not entirely unexpected – you know it’s going to end badly!). AnnaLynne McCord is excellent as the ugly bug teenager Pauline, she’s made to look truly awful in this film, there’s also a strong supporting cast including Traci Lords, John Waters and Malcolm McDowell. Our rating – strange but good.

This Is Cool UK Excision 2012 Movie Review
This Is Cool Excision UK Movie Review

Excision - now wash your hands!
Excision horror movie review
Excision UK Movie Review
Excision AnnaLynne mcCord Blood Bed Sex
Excision UK Review
Excision the always amazing Traci Lords
Excision Movie Poster