The fabulous dark illustrations and paintings of artist Erik M Gist. E.M. Gist has been a professional artist since 1998 and manages a perfect balance of teaching and illustrating. He has painted numerous covers for books and games including Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft and the Eberron series of novels, Magic the Gathering, The Phantom and Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Erik’s impressive client list includes Wizards of the Coast, Blizzard Entertainment, DC Comics, Radical Publishing and his work has been featured in prestigious art publications such as Spectrum. The images below are from various projects completed by the artist and show off his amazing drawing and illustrative skills as he brings these dark and macabre creations to life. To see more of E.M. Gist’s superb illustrations please visit his artist’s blog at www.deadoftheday.blogspot.co.uk.