Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

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Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series
Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series from Titan Books is a fantastic looking new movie art book that covers all three seasons of Star Trek: Picard. For anyone not familiar with Star Trek: Picard, it stars Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, and the series is a spin-off of Star Trek: The Next Generation. This in-depth book explores each of the three separate season-long narratives, Picard is brought out of retirement on his family chateau to face old enemies such as the Borg, take command of a new starship, and ultimately reconcile with his past. The book will feature interviews with the producers, writers, cast, and crew where they’ll discuss concepts and character arcs, with special features exploring makeup, costumes, art, and visual effects. The 208 page hardback book will feature exclusive behind-the-scenes on-set photography, concept art and a range of production art. We loved Star Trek: Picard, especially the final season and it’ll be great to re-explore the series with this fabulous looking art book. Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series is available to pre-order now from Amazon UK and

Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series

All Images are Copyright © Titan Books