The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian from publisher Abrams, is the official behind-the-scenes companion to the Disney+ Star Wars series, The Mandalorian. Focusing on Season One of the live-action Star Wars television series, this 256 page hardback art book is packed with glorious concept art, sketches, photographs, and interviews with key cast, crew, and creatives. The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian is another great looking Star Wars art book from Abrams, providing an exclusive look at the new TV Series and the universe of new Star Wars characters, locations, spaceships, and vehicles. We’ve seen a lot of Star Wars art books over the years, and this really delivers on the visuals. It’s a gorgeous book and a worthy companion to the excellent Star Wars live-action TV series. Do you need this in your Star Wars Art Book Collection? If you’re a fan of Star Wars, The Mandalorian, or you just love amazing concept art and sci-fi movie art books, then you MUST HAVE this book! The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian is available now on Amazon UK and Need a sneak peek inside? – please check out our book video feature (above) or on our YouTube Channel.
All Images are Copyright © Abrams & 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd