The Divide – Trailer, Images and Review

The Divide Images, Trailer and Review
The plot: Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic. The Divide is certainly not one of those films you can sit back and enjoy but it had us gripped from start to finish. Director Xavier Gens post-apocalyptic horror The Divide doesn’t spare the viewer in the depiction of the utter collapse of humanity, it is a truly dark piece of work. The group of survivors are superbly acted with great turns from Michael Biehnm, and Rosanna Arquette. Xavier Gens ratchets up the tension in the basement as the characters become more and more desperate and as members of the group give into animal urges.
It’s not an easy watch, with pretty horrific scenes and a totally bleak and unrelenting nihilism throughout but if like us you enjoy your Sci-Fi Horror dark (and we mean dark!) then this will be in your thoughts long after the end credits.
The Divide Review
The Divide Movie Review

The Divide Movie Review
The Divide 2012 - Movie Review
The Divide Horror Movie Review
The Divide 2012
The Divide not an easy watch
The Divide Review
The Divide 2012 Review
Rosanna Arquette The Divide 2012
The Divide