The Sci-Fi Concept Art of Adam Kuczek

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Adam Kuczek works as a concept artist and matte painter in the movie and video game industry. Adam Kuczek contributed on the visually stunning sci-fi epic Cloud Atlas, he’s also involved with the upcoming Jupiter Ascending from the same directors (The Wachowskis) which is due for release in 2014. With a client list that includes Warner Bros. Pictures, Anarchos Productions, Radical Publishing and Titanium Comics and features in Advanced Photoshop, Imagine FX and Exposé it’s no surprise that Adam Kuczek is an artist in demand! We have a selection of incredible science fiction themed images by the artist below but for a more in-depth look at his work, tutorials and his blog please visit

All the images in this post are Copyright © Adam Kuczek
and have been used with the artists permission.