Avatar The Way of Water The Visual Dictionary is another visual triumph from DK Books, it features 128 pages of beautiful illustrations, diagrams and photographs exploring the world of Pandora. The gorgeous hardback artbook is the definitive and must-have visual guide that showcases the characters, creatures, vehicles, weapons, and locations from the latest Avatar movie. Anyone familiar with the brilliant Star Wars Visual Dictionaries from DK will at once recognise the clean white backgrounds, the beautiful page designs and informative layouts – which are absolutely perfect for these types of books. You can truly dive into the depths of Avatar: The Way of Water, and explore the next generation of Jake Sully and Neytiri’s family, including the mysterious Kiri and the heroic Neteyam, and their brave new allies among the Metkayina clan. Discover the majestic tulkun, speedy skimwings,and the other fauna and flora of Pandora’s oceans. We particularly love the RDA vehicles and specialist recom troop designs. These visual dictionaries are fabulous, and let you pause the action and discover the extraordinary worlds created by the film-makers – and Avatar is a wonderful world to explore! We highly recommend you check out Avatar The Way of Water The Visual Dictionary, copies are available now from Amazon UK and Amazon.com.
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