John Carter Movie Review

John Carter 2012 Review
We’ve just watched John Carter (of Mars) and we quite liked it! We agree with most of the negatives about this film, it does feel overlong, the setting and story pretty much borrows from every sci-fi film out there – Return of the Jedi in particular. However we were impressed with the special FX, the set, creature and costume design. It truly is a visual treat.
Disney’s John Carter is a well intentioned good old fashioned sci-fi epic – the leads Taylor Kitsch (John Carter) and the beautiful Lynn Collins (Dejah Thoris) were both excellent. It’s a shame a lot of the story and dialogue were a bit clunky. Our verdict – John Carter is a flawed beautiful piece of work. Not perfect, but certainly not terrible.
John Carter Review
Empire John Carter of Mars Review

Lynn Collins Sci-Fi Princess
Extra Star for Impressive CGI
Dejah Thoris Images
John Carter meets Return of the Jedi