Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

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Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future was orignially published by Insight Editions back in 2015, we’re now giving it the book video feature and review treatment! The Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future movie received pretty average reviews when it was released. Although the movie had it’s problems, the visuals, production design and visual FX were amazing. This movie art book takes us behind the scenes in the production and making of the movie. The book itself is a beautiful 160 page hard back movie art book, packed full of glorious photographs, illustrations, concept art and sketches. The book follows the creative process and journey of the filmmakers as they set out to turn the Terminator universe on it’s head while paying homage to James Cameron’s original movies. The book focuses very much on the production and making of the movie, with photographs and behind the scenes details and it’s possibly less of an ‘out and out’ artbook. Having said that, the Terminator themed concept artwork, design and imagery featured in this book are stunning. We highly recommend this book to any fans of the Terminator franchise, especially anyone who loved this movie. It certainly has a place in the This-Is-Cool sci-fi art book library! To give you a closer look at the book we’ve created a short video preview above (using our new 4K camera!). We’re pleased to report you can still get brand new copies of Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future art book on Amazon UK and Amazon.com.

Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

Terminator Genisys: Resetting the Future Book Review

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