The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

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The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review
From publisher Dark Horse Books comes the excellent ‘The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition’, a beautiful 264 page, hardcover art book. This expanded edition features never seen before sketches, renders, concept art, and illustrations. This latest edition delves even deeper into the epic sci-fi saga that changed video games forever. Gloriously illustrated this book looks at the evolution of the aliens, planets, ships, and technology that define this iconic Mass Effect science fiction universe. The Mass Effect developers, Bioware take you from the earliest design sketches through to the meticulous final renders. This art book contains extensive new material from the DLCs for all three games, including the award-winning Lair of the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect 2 and the fan-favorite Citadel from Mass Effect 3. We hope to have a book preview video shortly to give you a glimpse inside. The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition is available now to order from Amazon UK and

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy Book Review

All Images are Copyright © Dark Horse Books